Welcome to DigSiNet

DigSiNet is a experimental environment to run Network Digital Twins based primarily on containerlab, with other platforms being worked on. DigSiNet leverages multiple twins that can utilize different network platforms, topologies and tools to specifically simulate distinct parts of the real network. In this approach, twins only share partial similarities of the real network and multiple twins can be combined, hence why they are called Digital Siblings.

If you want to play around with DigSiNet, check our Getting Started to learn how to setup a local environment. If you are interested in the technical details, you can find a section containing the technical details down below.

DigSiNet is still work-in-progress, so expect that some features might be broken or behaving unexpectedly. We try to provide a comprehensive documentation, but can’t guarantee to always be up to date. If you notice something that could be improved, please feel free to open an Issue

Technical Guide

Although DigSiNet is a very early implementation of the digital siblings approach, we try to make our architecture and technical decisions as transparent as possible. Below here, you can find various documentation regarding our project, from installing it locally to the overall architecture. We also provide some information about implementation details and current shortcomings.